maven install to remote repository
maven install to remote repository

2017年2月20日—Ultimately,allthedependencyjarsforyourprojectareretrievedandcachedonyourlocaldiskin'~/.m2/repository'directory.Youcaninsert ...,Todeploytoaremoterepository,yourLiferaymoduleshouldbepackagedusingMaven.Mavenprovidesapackagingcommandth...


2011年2月25日—Wheniexecutemvn:installiwantmyjar(artifact)tobeinstalledinthenexusrepositorywhichislocatedontheserver(rightnowthe ...

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2017年2月20日 — Ultimately, all the dependency jars for your project are retrieved and cached on your local disk in '~/.m2/repository' directory. You can insert ...

Deploying Liferay Maven Artifacts to a Repository

To deploy to a remote repository, your Liferay module should be packaged using Maven. Maven provides a packaging command that creates an artifact (JAR) that can ...

Maven Remote Repositories

These repositories are holding the artifacts to be consumed by Maven builds. The two most important properties of remote repositories are: baseURL; repository ...


To deploy a 3rd party JAR use the deploy:deploy-file goal under maven-deploy-plugin. First, the wagon-provider(wagon-ftp, wagon-file, etc..) must be placed to ...

Guide to installing 3rd party JARs

The JARs must be placed in the local repository in the correct place in order for it to be correctly picked up by Apache Maven. To make this easier, and less ...

Remote repository access through authenticated HTTPS

Guide to Remote repository access through authenticated HTTPS. This document describes how to configure Maven to access a remote repository that sits behind ...

Introduction to Repositories

A repository in Maven holds build artifacts and dependencies of varying types. There are exactly two types of repositories: local and remote: ... Local and remote ...

Maven command to install remote dependency locally

2010年11月11日 — I'd like a maven install:install-file like command I can have new team members run in order to pull down and install the base project locally ...


2011年2月25日 — When i execute mvn:install i want my jar(artifact) to be installed in the nexus repository which is located on the server(right now the ...


2017年2月20日—Ultimately,allthedependencyjarsforyourprojectareretrievedandcachedonyourlocaldiskin'~/.m2/repository'directory.Youcaninsert ...,Todeploytoaremoterepository,yourLiferaymoduleshouldbepackagedusingMaven.Mavenprovidesapackagingcommandthatcreatesanartifact(JAR)thatcan ...,TheserepositoriesareholdingtheartifactstobeconsumedbyMavenbuilds.Thetwomostimportantpropertiesofremoterepositories...